Welcome to
Star Sure Start Banbridge!
Our aim is to support families to give their children the best start in life through offering a range of early education, health and family support services to families with children under 4 years living in the our catchment area.
Services are available for pregnant women and families with children aged 0-4 years and are offered both in your own home and in small groups.
All services are free and confidential.
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How we can help...
There are 38 Sure Starts across Northern Ireland, all of whom support parents with children aged under four years old, living in disadvantaged areas in Northern Ireland. Sure Start can help a parent from pregnancy until their child starts school. With Sure Start’s ongoing support, a child can do well at school and flourish at home.
Sure Start projects have different programmes for parents and children under four years old. A project can support a childs:
- Learning Skills
- Health and Well-being
- Social and Emotional Development
Sure Start projects complement the work of local services and give young families advice on where to go and who to speak to, if they have special needs or problems.

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Keep updated and search through our monthly event calendar, there are lots of great events and programmes that will suit any parent and child. Download our Events Calendar Now!
Do you have a question?
Contact us today and we can get you the guidance and support that fits you best.